Gender Based Violence Resource App to Empower Women Human Rights Defenders (and the General Public) of Pakistan to Respond to Cases
Role: UX Researcher, Full Stack Developer
A Hopeless Tale
Pakistan consistently ranks near the bottom on the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Index, placing 153rd out of 156 countries in 2021. Cases of gender-based violence (GBV) against women, including honor killings, rape, trafficking, physical abuse, forced marriage, and sexual abuse, continue to rise. In the absence of adequate state support, women’s organizations and Women/Human Rights Defenders (W/HRDs) have stepped in to combat GBV.
W/HRDs, as front-line defenders of human rights, face significant risks themselves, including harassment, torture, disappearances, and even murder, as they work to protect victims of violations.
These defenders often operate with limited resources, support, and access to critical legal information, leaving them ill-equipped to navigate legal frameworks essential to their work. Many work in isolation or in small, under-resourced organizations, with minimal connection to broader support networks or larger organizations.